
white miniskirt and a black waistcincher..

black waistcincher and white miniskirt

here is another pic of me wearing my shortest underbustcorset. i guess i'm really in love with this corset. but i believe this corset really looks amazing - over or under the clothes. and i think that this waistcincher fits me the best. even if i wear it over my clothes i'm able to close this 21 inch corset completly. last weekend i wore the corset over a white top and a white miniskirt - a really nice - even sexy - black and white "corsetgirl" combination of course with black high heels ;-).

hope you like this corset as much as i do....


  1. I do love this look of yours. Its very sexy, but stylish and sophisticated at the same time.
    Your look and the way in which you combine corsets with your outfits has inspired me and I am now also a "corset girl".

  2. Excellent -- I'm stroking it right now.
