
black waistcincher

perfect corset-weather! it's january, but still warm enough to wear the coat open and show the corset and wear high heels outside.

it's again my waistcorset with the 21inch waist. as i wrote allready before, this corset fits really with everything. this time i wear the waistcincher with a white blouse a black skirt and a jacket. with this combination the corset looks even a littlebit businesslike i think. although you probably would get a lot of attention wearing a corset at your work ;-).


  1. Stunning. You look great. Love the "Business" look with the corset.

    I'm starting a sort of fashion blog myself, featuring gloves, don't have much on it yet, but just started :). Check it out if you like..

  2. Looking great as usual

  3. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I know you and your blog from a few time, and I think you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
    I love women in corset, but you're particulary, expecially when you wear formal dresses, as this e.g.
    In this wearing you look wonderful, because isn't so usual seeing corset wearer dresses so elegant, and I would like to see you in this dress more often.
    Thank Paolo

  4. I really loved your blog. I'm about to start one on corsets as well, but I guess it's too time-consuming. However, I find it really great that there is someone like you to show us a bit of what can be done with a corset - this business look is simply perfect!

    Congratulations for your blog!
