
Corset special: effects of long time corsetting..

corset early 2006
corset 2008

corset wasp waist measurments

effects of long time corsetting
A lot of my corset blog readers asked my about my experiences and the effects of corsetting for a long time. I'll try to answer your questions and tell you about my experiences.
I'm practicing corsetting now since 2004 (started in the age of 18) - so it's acutally my 4th anniversary of corsetting ;-).
During this 4 years the corset has changed my natural waistsize by a bit more than 2 inches. In 2004 my natural waist was a bit more than 26 inches - now my natural waistsize is 24 inches. And - a nice thing too - I lost about 3Kg of weight. I wear the corset approx. 15 hours a day during the week – but, as I'm studying, I can't wear all day. So I wear it mostly in the evening and during the night.

my actual stats and measurements (2008):
35"- 24"- 36" (natural, without corset)
35"- 20"- 36" (corsetted)

The photos above shows how corsets got tighter and the waist got smaller during time. I tried to find photo showing the same type of corset (waist corset).
The first corset photo shows me wearing a waist corset in early 2006 - it had a 22 inch waist but wasn't fully closed at this photo. On the second you can see me wearing a 20 inch waist corset - fully closed. It was taken about one month ago (2008).
The third photo just gives a nice impression about how tiny / small a 20 inch waist really is - a 20 inch waist beside my mac mouse ;-).

A 20inch corset is the tightest I can wear at the moment for a longer time. How far I wann go? - For sure not smaller than 19inches. Tried it already - and I think thats the smallest waist which still looks good with my figure I think.

Dont waste your waist - CG.


  1. Hallo, meiner Meinung nach passen 20 inch noch, aber alles darunter schaut dann wohl doch eigenartig aus. 20 inch ist ja eh nix!
    Vor allem die Kombinationen mit den Tops über den Korsetts sehn echt fein aus.
    Schöne Grüße aus dem Marchfeld.

  2. Awesome work , well done on your commitment and awesome figure :-)

  3. der erfolg des blogs zeigt,dass du auf dem richtigen weg bist! mach weiter solange du magst, gib nicht auf, dann schaffst du deine ziele auch! super was du bisher erreicht hast, einfach traumhaft schön und sexy !

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It's simply great what you have done in the last four years, you show incredible and so beautiful corset effects, and I'd like to see your photo more and more...
    Only two questions: could you dress your corset more than 15 hours???...and do you want to stop tighting at only 19 inch???
    A woman with your character could make so better than this...I hope you'll continue to improve your are wonderful.

  5. I would love to see some pictures of you in that 19 inch waist! And, I think you would look even better with a smaller waist than that. A super tight 18 inch corset would be so sexy on you.
