
one of my favourite corsets...

on the picture above you can see met in one of my favourite corsets on a ball. i wear a long overbust corset with a 21 inch waist. thats still comfortable enough to dance the walz on a ball for hours!!!

beside this corset i own another overbust corset and 2 underbust corsets. hopefully some more corsets will follow soon - but its really an expensive passion (especially if you are a student)...


  1. Dear Corsetgirl,

    Being a voyeur and loving high heels, stocking, lingerie, latex, leather and especially corsets, I loved browsing through your weblog. As I already mentioned, I would love to see you in real life as pictures -how beautiful they are- are just pictures: they cannot cope with the real charisma, personality, expressions, smell and motion. I have this 'fantasy' of being at a ball & party in a castle or mansion (like the mansion in the movie Eyes Wide Shut) where all man and woman are dressed in classy(!) but seductive and provocative outfits. Imagine from low-cut evening dresses to stylish lingerie as clothing for the women. There will be only watching, flirting and dancing with eachother - it should not end in an orgy ;-). On the picture I see your already dressed for such a party/ball and I'm sure you would perfectly fit within this scenery and attract the attention of the guests... I'd be honoured if I could escort you for this event. Of course in appropriate clothing.

    I am also intrigued what wearing a corset does with your mind. I can imagine it mentally also feels like being in a straitjacket. I would be happy if you explained to me what it does to you.


    p.s. if you need someone to tighten your corset laces, just give me a call ;-)

    p.p.s. Also check: ~ fine French handmade haute couture corsets from fashionable Paris, as well as I'm sure you will find something of your liking.

    p.p.p.s. As last, I think you should include this link on your website: How to lace your corset Even better if you have yourself photographed while giving explenation how to lace your corset.

  2. Beautiful, you look gorgeous!
